Welcome To Paidom Meats
Since way back in 1994, the Birkenfeld family has been a pioneer in grass-fattened meats. What began at a time when no one in this area really knew what grassfed meat was, Paidom has now blossomed into a partnership with our customers who are served by more than 50 buying clubs throughout Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma (see the "Locations" tab above for a list of delivery locations).
This growth was not achieved through mass advertising and slick marketing campaigns, but through slow yet effective word-of-mouth testaments wherein one pleased customer tells another. In a sense, we don't initially sell meat. Instead, we sell relationships, not like eHarmony, Match.com, or FarmersOnly, but relationships between customers and their food. We connect people, and we've found that if folks like the way we raise the animals, then a bond of trust forms between the consumer and the grower (Paidom), and a product sale follows. So that begs the question: How do we raise them? Simply put, we follow these 4 principles:
* All animals are raised on pasture only -- No confined feeding and no grain fed to ruminants, not even in the finishing phase. Our hearts and our labors are "all-in" on growing the most wholesome meats for your family, and we truly believe that our ancestors had it right -- ruminants were designed to eat pasture. They should be raised on pasture (not in confinement) and grown/fattened by consuming that pasture (by eating forages, not by bringing feed/grain to them).
* All animals are grown humanely and without drugs -- We don't use any implants, antibiotics, steroids, hormones, or growth stimulants, etc; we don't even vaccinate (never had anything to vaccinate against) or brand our animals (ear tags suffice). Are there any other operations that can make these claims? These are simply parts of our humane treatment efforts, just like keeping the animals on pasture instead of confine-feeding them.
* All animals are source-verified -- They are raised on our farms because we want to know their history; our animals have a known past, so there are no "skeletons in their closets" that would taint our meats.
* Doing right by our customers -- We will never put anything on your table that we wouldn't put on our own. We sell a relationship first, so we're really marketing ourselves, our reputation, and our name that has been passed down for generations. Keeping this in mind keeps customers coming back and recommending Paidom to others.
There is NO NEED TO REGISTER since we no longer use the website for submitting orders.
Instead, just email us at carnivore@paidom.com and ask to be placed on our delivery list for your location (click on the "Locations" tab above to view all of our delivery areas). Unlike water, milk, nuts, and butter, meat cuts aren't always the same size, so placing orders through the website resulted in problems on our packing end. In addition, we had to sort each cut of meat by size (small, medium, large), and that required about 3 times as much freezer space. Consequently, we've gone back to the old "tried and true" ordering system wherein we email customers in advance of deliveries to their area. Then they place their orders via email, and we email their invoices a day before the delivery. That system served us well for many years, and most customers preferred its simplicity. We hope that those of you who are new to Paidom will find the same to be true for you as well. After you've done it once, you'll be a pro at this system. So again, please email us at carnivore@paidom.com and ask to be placed on the email list for your area. Also, please include a cell number in case we need to contact you from the drop site. Now take some time to look over our selection of pasture-raised meats (bison is available but hasn't been added to the website yet), and thanks for your virtual visit to Paidom!!!!!!
-- The Birkenfeld Family (Alan, Heather, Tanner, Chloe, & Jentri)